Le palo santo vertus et utilisation

The palo santo virtues and use

The palo santo is a tree native to South America that is mainly grown in Ecuador and Peru. It belongs to the Burseraceae family and is also known as "holy wood" due to its purifying and beneficial properties.

palo santo ritual

Use of the palo santo

Palo santo has been used for centuries by the indigenous peoples of this region for its medicinal and spiritual properties. It is burned in fumigation to purify the air and space, to drive out bad energies and to create a peaceful and soothing atmosphere.

To use palo santo in fumigation, you will need a piece of palo santo wood, a match or lighter, and a container to put out the fire when you are done. Start by lighting the piece of palo santo wood and letting the smoke spread through the air. Hold the wood at arm's length and walk around the room, burning it so that the smoke fills the entire space. You can also add herbs or essential oils to the fumigation to enhance its effects.

Apart from its use in fumigation, palo santo is also used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic properties. It is often used to relieve headaches, sore throats and respiratory problems.

Virtues of palo santo

In the esoteric world, the palo santo is considered a powerful spiritual tool. It is often used to connect to one's own intuition and higher mind, and to open the chakras and release emotional blockages. The palo santo is also considered a symbol of peace and serenity, and is often used in meditation and healing rituals.

In summary, palo santo is a tree native to South America that is widely used in fumigation to purify air and space and to create a peaceful and soothing atmosphere. It is also used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, and is considered a powerful spiritual tool in the esoteric world.

Palo santo and white sage

palo santo and white sage the lausanne yoga shop

Palo santo and white sage are often used for the same reasons as they have similar properties in terms of purifying and cleansing the space.

Palo santo is an aromatic essence used for centuries by the indigenous peoples of South America to purify the air and space. It is also used to quiet the mind and calm the emotions.

White sage , also known as heavenly sage or sacred sage, is an aromatic herb used for centuries by Native Americans to purify and protect space. It is also used to cleanse and purify the aura and the mind.

Both substances are often used in smudging and healing ceremonies, and are considered powerful tools for getting rid of negative energies and creating a peaceful, calming space.

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